A familiar theme to me! When I was a sr. in HS a good friend of mine and I would come on the announcement intercom every Friday and cheerfully say "Its Fashion Friday" we'd give our tips and advice for staying up with the trend. Little did I know that 11 years later I would want to bring that back to life on my blog! As an aestie most of my post will feature skincare products, treatments, makeup...etc. but FASHION I couldn't neglect! So for all my fashionistas I've got you covered... I'll be posting outfit inspirations too! Someone once asked me if I had a favorite designer and where I liked to shop? Well the truth is I just love to look fabulous so if I see something that catches my eye I buy it! I love so many stores and so many different designers. I love to dress up, I love color, and sparkle, but I also can't wait to get home and get comfy so "Fashion Friday" will be just that! A collaboration of all styles Kristian.